Collective Bargaining Ontario

We provide neutral collective bargaining information. The resources and tools are aimed at supporting a successful and stable labour relations climate by providing access to open and transparent information.

Online Reports

View dynamic and fully customizable reports in real-time featuring our collective agreement data, with drill down, export, print and share options.

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Install the Visual Analytics App to view these interactive analytics reports on a mobile device:

Collective Agreement Provision Reports

Collective agreements contain provisions which set out the employment terms and conditions for employees, and which regulate the rights, privileges and duties of employees, employers, and unions.

Benefits provisions (new)
Reports containing benefits provisions

Sick Leave provisions (new)
Reports containing sick leave provisions

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and Lump Sum provisions
Reports containing Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and Lump Sum provisions

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Anti-Racism provisions
Reports containing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Anti-Racism provisions

Discrimination, Harassment and Coercion provisions
Reports containing Discrimination, Harassment and Coercion provisions

Help us improve our provision reports

Complete this 2-minute feedback survey.

Collective Bargaining Reports

Collective Bargaining Wage Trends (new)
Overview of collective bargaining activity in Ontario by various wage metrics (median, mean, low, and high wage rate increase)

Collective Bargaining Highlights
Overview of collective bargaining activity in Ontario
Note: This report will be phased out in Fall 2024.

Expiring Collective Agreements
Expiring collective agreements by date, industry, sector, union, etc.

Industry Snapshot
Industry-specific yearly snapshots of collective bargaining data

Employer Listing Report
List of active employer and union bargaining relationships

Collective Agreements Interactive Search
Search for collective agreements and interest arbitration awards filed with MLITSD

Customized Agreements Listing
Customize and view collective agreement listings using advanced search refiners by employer, union, industry, legislation, etc.

Labour Relations Services

The ministry is currently not accepting requests for labour relations services by mail or fax. Please submit your requests and collective agreements online.


Request conciliation and arbitration assistance

Trade unions and employers can apply online to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development for neutral conciliation and arbitration assistance.

File your collective agreement online

Bargaining parties can file their collective agreements online with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.


Search for collective agreements (new and improved)

Houses public and private sector collective agreements in Ontario. Search collective agreements and their associated generations via the self-serve, online portal.

Search for grievance arbitration awards (new and improved)

A self-serve, online service that allows Ontarians to search for grievance arbitration awards that have been filed pursuant to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 with the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development since 2014.


Resolve workplace grievances through mediation

Learn how to get help resolving grievances in a unionized workplace through the appointment of a grievance mediator from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Resolve workplace grievances through arbitration

Learn how to get help resolving grievances in a unionized workplace through the appointment of a grievance arbitrator.

Recent announcements

Agreements settled in August 2024:

  • Montfort Hospital (Support Staff) and CUPE, Local 4721 (approximately 633 employees)
    A two-year renewal agreement, effective from September 30, 2023 to September 29, 2025. Wage increases of 3% in each year.
  • City of Hamilton (Volunteer Fire Fighters) and Christian Labour Association of Canada, Local 911 (approximately 235 employees)
    A four-year renewal agreement, effective from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027. Wage increases of 3% in each of the first two years and 2.5% in each of the two subsequent years.
  • University of Western Ontario (Support) and University of Western Ontario Staff Association (approximately 875 employees)
    A four-year renewal agreement, effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028. Wage increases of 4.5% in the first year and 2% in each of the second, third and fourth year of the agreement.
  • York University (Faculty/Librarian) and York University Faculty Association (approximately 1,600 employees)
    A three-year renewal agreement, effective from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027. Wage increases of 3.1% at date of ratification and 2.85% on May 1 of the following two years of the agreement.
  • City of Kawartha Lakes and CUPE, Local 855 (approximately 386 inside employees and 275 outside employees)
    Two, four-year renewal agreements, effective from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027. Wage increases of 4% in the first year, 3.5% in the second year, and 3% in each of the remaining two years of the agreement.

View past announcements

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To take part in a 45-minute research session, complete this 5-minute survey. Session participants will receive a $45 gift card.